Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Ubiquitous Computing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ubiquitous Computing - Essay Example Ubiquitous computing is mostly mobile or even fixed to the environment and networked with a structure of ubiquitous network. The subject of ubiquitous computing is interesting going by the way technological advancements are revolutionizing life, making it simpler and yet making people get vulnerable to virtual attacks. Visions of ubiquitous computing Ubiquitous computing is associated with a number of visions. One of the visions is providing effective use of smart spaces. By fixing computing devices in buildings a smart space connects two worlds that were initially separate. This connection enables controlling and sensing of a world by another. This smartness is also applied to individual objects even if they are not in a smart space. Secondly, there is the aspect of invisibility. The main idea here is to completely eliminate the technology of ubiquitous computing from individual’s consciousness. This implies ensuring reduced user distraction according to Yang (2004). This mea ns that ubiquitous computing environment will always meet the expectations of the user subconsciously. Another vision is uneven conditioning masking. The rate at which ubiquitous computing is incorporated to infrastructures will differ. The difference will be in terms of non-technical factors. For instance, it can be business models, organizational structure and economics. Uniform penetration however will not be easily achieved. Challenges of ubiquitous computing Ubiquitous computing has several challenges. One of the challenges is user intent. For ubiquitous computing to be effective it is important that the system be able to track the user intent. Otherwise it will not be possible to know which actions of the system help or hinder the user. However the current systems are weak at capturing and using user intent. Secondly, there is the challenge of cyber foraging. The urge to reduce the size of mobile phone devices, make them lighter and provide longer lasting battery life means co mpromising computing capabilities. However meeting the expectations of the user may need more advanced data manipulation and computing activities. According to Yang (2004), the challenge is connecting the two contradicting requirements. Adaptation strategy is yet another challenge related to ubiquitous computing. Adaptation is important incase of a variation between resource supply and demand. It is achieved through three alternatives. First is that the client can use some applications in altering their actions so as to use little of the scarce resource. The challenge is that the change normally decreases the perceived quality of the user. Second is that the client request the environment to offer a given level of a resource. Third is that a client may propose a corrective action to the user. The challenge is that if the user reacts on the proposal, it is not certain that there will be adequate supply of the demands. Privacy in ubiquitous computing Privacy is highly complicated by u biquitous computing. However it is a real problem in mobile computing and distributed systems. There are mechanisms which continuously monitor user behavior. These include smart spaces, location tracking and surrogate use. The more the user becomes dependent on the ubiquitous computing system, the more the system monitors his/her movements. It also becomes aware of the user’s mannerisms and behavior patterns. Using this information is important for successful functioning of the

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